
View from the Hotel toward Poggio Civitate


If, after a thorough review of this information, you are interested in applying to the field school, please fill out an application and return it to Your professor or employer should complete the recommendation form and return it by email to as well.


Our admissions process is rolling; that is we accept qualified students as we receive their applications, and until the program is full. In order to be considered for the Early Admission to the program, and for the third party grants, your application must be received by May 1, 2025. The second application deadline will be May 1, 2025, unless we fill our spots earlier. Upon acceptance a deposit is due to ensure your position on the excavation, with the remainder of payment due by May 1st.

We hope that this information has answered most of your questions about Poggio Civitate and our field school. If you have any additional questions or concerns, or would like to talk to a past participant about his or her experience, please complete the form below and we can facilitate.  Thank you for your time, and we look forward to hearing from you.